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Beautiful pixel art and color palette! Also, nice shoot'em up gameplay! Well done!


Nice game! I loved the sprites and animations, but I don't know why I was unable to shoot at the third round


Oh I'll try again by pressing "S"


This game is cool! I love the atmosphere. And dang it is amazing for a something that's your first game!

Thank you so much! It makes me so happy that you liked it! Only have one game before this that was a learning experiance and its a mess! haha :D (sir Jumpalot on my page)


Cool game, really amazing art, the sound also feels ominous.
I am unable to shoot in the second level though, once I am dead the I have to reload page to play the game again or else the game takes me to the gameover page. The death sound keeps looping after I die. Amazing work for a first game.

Hi! Thanks so much for the kind words. I had not encounterd the buggs you mention when I played but I belive I have fixed them now. Shooting is done with a Workaround cuz I could not figure out How to fix it... Press "S" to reset shooting. Again! Thank you so much!